How To Stop A Dog From Barking At Night?

How To Stop A Dog From Barking At Night

Dogs are our ultimate stress-busters. They share their incredible love and loyalty and secure us from any mishaps and strangers.

We share our feelings through speaking to our near and dear ones, but have you ever wondered how your dog shares his feelings as he can’t speak?

What is Dog Barking?

What is Dog Barking?

Dog barking is the way your pooch tries to communicate with you. He shares his feelings through barking.

Dog barking is absolutely natural and he uses this to seek your attention, to say that he wants to play with you, to say he is hungry, or to tell you that he needs a toilet break.

Sometimes, if he senses any danger or unusual things happening in your neighborhood, he starts barking to alert you. He even barks at strangers, other pets, or animals roaming near your property.

Imagine, it has been a very long day and you are feeling too tired and need some relaxation..You are just curled up on your bed and your head hits the pillow to get a good night’s sleep.

Suddenly it begins…Woof woof woof…you hear your dog’s bark. The question arises in your mind, why doesn’t he sleep and allow you to sleep either??

You rush towards him thinking that he must be hurt or sick. But once you go near him he stops barking and wags his tail happily. He got what he waited for – your attention indeed. 

But, if he is barking at night for no reason, then it might become frustrating for you and your neighbors.

In order to stop him from barking at night, you have to understand your dog the best and train him in a positive way to avoid unnecessary barking.

So, without further delay, let’s get to know more about dog barking and the ways to control his barking.

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Why Dog Barks At Night?

Why Dog Barks At Night?

While walking down the street at night, you might have heard the sound of barking dogs and you may feel it may be just a part of life. But what makes dogs bark a lot during nighttime?

Why does your dog bark during the night which makes you and your neighbors get disturbed? Isn’t he aware of the fact that barking may distract your sleep?

As per the study conducted last year, about 75% of people have claimed that they would be disturbed by a dog barking at night.

Below Are the Reasons Why Dogs Bark at Night

  1. Noises 
  2.  Seek Attention
  3. Stress Or Anxiety
  4. Loneliness Or Boredom
  5. Discomfort Or Pain

Follow the below-mentioned steps to stop a dog from barking at night.

How Would You Stop A Dog From Barking At Night?

How Would You Stop A Dog From Barking At Night?

After identifying the causes for the barking of your dog at night, learn these steps to calm down your pup. 

1. Try Curbing His Attention-Seeking Behaviour

You don’t want your pooch to feel discomfort and as a result, you will rush to him as soon as he starts barking.

It will be better not to respond if he is doing it to seek your attention. According to behaviourists, petting or cuddling him when he barks reinforces the barking habit of seeking attention.

Letting him out of his crate during bedtime will also increase this habit, leading to excessive barking as they know how to get their way!

The best rule to curb this behaviour is just to ignore it. Stop engaging with your dog if he barks unnecessarily at night, to seek your attention.

2. Exercise Him Regularly

It’s often said that “A Tired Dog Is A Good Dog.” Dogs bark to get rid of their excessive energy. If your dog doesn’t get enough exercise during the day, he might become super active at night. 

Try to play with him before going out for work, take him to the park for regular walks/jogs, give him some mental and physical exercise, and let him play with an interactive toy. Make him feel tired so that he gets proper sleep at night.

3. Remove Triggering Stimuli

Dogs respond to stimuli faster. He may bark when a car or stranger passes by if neighborhood dogs are barking, or any outside noises.

Try to cut down these sounds with a fan, white noise machine, or soft music. You may even soundproof your house.

4. Minimize Separation Anxiety

Loneliness and separation anxiety are the main causes of a dog barking. He always wants to be close to you and if you shut him in his crate at night, or if you put him on a chain outside, he may likely bark.

Play with him or take him for a short walk at night and make him feel comfortable by giving him a toy/ball to play with. By doing so he will sleep early and also let you sleep without any disturbance.



Barking is a dog’s natural way of expressing himself. But excessive barking may be a sign of distress. It may feel natural if he barks during the day, but the same becomes annoying during the night.

Do you want to control your barking devil at night? Then try to understand the causes of his barking at night and control it by following the above-mentioned methods. Don’t let your or your neighbour’s sleep get distracted.

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