Drool is basically saliva or fluid which is produced by the salivary glands in the mouth.Saliva is known as drool when it is produced in large amounts and flows out of the mouth.
Why Do Cats Drool?
Normally, cats drool when their owner holds them, pets them, or cuddles them. This means that the cat is relaxed and enjoying its owner’s company.
When Drool is Abnormal in Cats?
If the pet owner finds that the cat is constantly drooling, then this is a signal that there is a problem with the cat.
Reasons Your Cat Is Drooling
1. Oral or dental disease2. Toxic Ingestion3. Nausea4. Foreign Object5. Happy and relaxed
How can you prevent your cat from drooling?
It is very difficult for you to prevent your cat from drooling. But, the owner can keep the cat’s mouth healthy by brushing the teeth regularly, which will keep their teeth and gums healthy and also help prevent dental disease.
Drooling in cats is normal, but if your cat is drooling in excess, then it is a sign of a problem in your cat. So, you should keenly observe your cat’s behavior and drooling.