What Are the Things You Should Know Before You Own a Siberian Cat?

The Siberian Cat’s Origin and History

Siberian cats are considered a national treasure in Russia and have existed in Russia for around 1000 years.

Characteristics of the Siberian Cat

1. Siberian cats are active and energetic, and they enjoy playing with toys. 2. This cat breed is highly intelligent and tries to learn tricks that stimulate them mentally. 3. Their water-resistant coat allows them to play in the water. 4. Due to their athletic nature, they enjoy climbing trees and perching themselves at the highest heights. 5. They are people-oriented and love to be with their owner.

The Siberian Cat’s Physical Appearance

They have strong-boned legs and well-rounded paws, and they also have full-sized tails. – 10 to 12 inches in height. – Their life span is 8 to 10 years. – The weight ranges between 15 to 20 pounds. – The coat is long in length. – Colors: solid white, red, black, silver, and blue. – Other traits: hypoallergenic. – Temperament: energetic, playful, friendly, and affectionate.

Care of the Siberian Cat

1. Nutrition 2. Grooming 3. Exercise 4. Health


If you are planning to own a Siberian cat, then you must read about its temperament, character, history, and also it’s basic needs. So, this feline companion fits well into your family.