What are the Reasons for Drooling in Cats?

Normally, cats drool when their owner holds them, pets them, or cuddles them. This means that the cat is relaxed and enjoying its owner’s company.

Why Do Cats Drool?

When Drool is Abnormal in Cats?

Below are some of the signs that indicate that your cat’s drooling is abnormal. 1. If the cat is suffering from some dental condition or if there is irritation in its mouth. 2. If you find your cat has brown and yellow teeth and their gums are red or swollen.  3. If your cat is suffering from foul breath, oral issues, or bad breath, then this is a signal of a respiratory issue. 4. Stress and fear are also the reasons your cat drools abnormally. 5. Sometimes, if a piece of toy gets stuck in their teeth or throat, it will also drool.

Reasons Your Cat Is Drooling

1. Oral or dental disease 2. Toxic Ingestion  3. Nausea  4. Foreign Object  5. Happy and relaxed