A Gateway to Sneak Peak into Your Dog’s Heart

When we think of  dogs, all we think about are adorable, loyal fluffy friends. And just like that, we do imagine  Dog’s Heart full of diamonds and overflowing with love. Scientifically, the four-chambered heart with double circulation and warm blood, as it is said, makes mammals different from other vertebrates.

What Is the Average Heartbeat Rate in Dogs?

How Can You Check Your Dog’s Heart Rate?

A dog owner should learn these small things to keep a close eye on your dog’s well-being. Heartbeats play a significant role in telling your dog’s health.   Just like in humans, all you have to do is find the pulse and count the rhythmic beats per minute.

What Causes Heart Diseases in Dogs?

1. Old Age  2. Dog breeds  3. Lack of Physical Activity  

There Are Several Underlying Health Conditions That Can Cause Heart Disease

1. Endocarditis  2. Stenosis of the lungs  3. Muscle Disease of the Heart  4. Atrial Septal Defect 

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Disease?

– Lethargy – Weakne – Intolerance to exercise – Physical activity is difficult or impossible to do. – Dormancy necessitates rapid breathing (not panting) – Fainting/collapse – Coughing for a long time – A heart rate that is consistently increased