Learn More About Your Dog with the Dog Tail Position Chart

Dogs bring tremendous amounts of joy to our life. They shower us with their love and charm us with their adorable personalities. It’s a dream of every dog owner that they could talk with their dog. In this blog, we inform you about the dog tail position chart.

Is the dog tail language universal for all dogs?

It is also present in dogs. Every dog expresses itself with comparable tail motions, however, there may be minor differences depending on upbringing and breed.

Key Points to Remember in the Tail Language

Your dog will communicate with his tail in one of two ways: placement or movement. Your dog’s tail will not always be in the same position, and the placement of the tail on its body will reveal information about its temperament.

Different Tail Motions and Their Meaning

1.) Full Body Wagging 2.) Fast Wagging and High Position 3.) Relaxed Wagging 4.) Stiff and Horizontal 5.) The Tucked Tail in Between Legs 6.) Raised and Still 7.) Stiff and Trembling 8.) Down and Still