Yellow Star

A Gateway to Sneak Peak into Your Dog’s Heart

When we think of dogs, all we think about are adorable, loyal fluffy friends. And just like that, we do imagine Dog’s Heart full of diamonds and overflowing with love.

What Is the Average Heartbeat Rate in Dogs?

The heart rate in dogs is different from humans, the only similarity being that it increases with activities and decreases when relaxed. The pulse rate of the heartbeat rate of your dog’s heart depends upon its size. It’s 60 to 100 beats per minute in large dogs, while the smaller dogs have 100 to 140 beats per minute. In puppies, the heartbeat is much more rapid and can range from 160 to 200 beats per minute.

How Can You Check Your Dog’s Heart Rate?

A dog owner should learn these small things to keep a close eye on your dog’s well-being. Heartbeats play a significant role in telling your dog’s health.

What Can a Dog’s Heartbeat Tell Us?

Irregular heartbeats are not uncommon in dogs, and while they may not indicate a significant health condition, they should be investigated by your veterinarian.

Symptoms of Irregular Heartbeat – Slow or very rapid heartbeat in comparison to normal – Breathing problems – Dizzy and weakness – Lack of any activities – Cough and fatigue.

What Causes Heart Diseases in Dogs?

Dog ObesityOld AgeDog breedsLack of Physical Activity

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Disease?

There are various indicators of cardiac disease in dogs that dog owners should be aware of, including: – Lethargy – Weakness – Intolerance to exercise – Physical activity is difficult or impossible to do. – Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath may be accompanied by fluid accumulation. – Dormancy necessitates rapid breathing (not panting) – Fainting/collapse – Coughing for a long time – A heart rate that is consistently increased