A Guide to Teaching Basic Skills to Your Dog

How to teach basic life skills to your dog?

One Approach Doesn’t Fit All

Just like humans, one approach doesn’t fit all in the case of dogs too. Different breeds have different responses to various problems. Dogs inherit their skill sets from their ancestors. They have a few inbuilt characteristics too. The selective breeding of dogs has been going on for thousands of years.

What Works for Your Dog?

Dogs who are mixed show mixed features. You never know which of the parent breed will dominate in the offspring. To know what works better for your dog, you need to give some time to your dog and yourself.

Employing Their Natural Instincts

Dogs are made in a way that they like to chase other animals, like cats, rats, etc.

Help from Professionals


It is the responsibility of a dog parent to ensure that their dog undergoes proper training and learns essential skills to live a healthy and fulfilled life.